Immediately Uncover the Gaps in Your Leadership Culture
The LEADERSHIP CULTURE SURVEYTM (LCS) delivers a powerful “litmus” test of your leadership culture. Used for your entire organization, or just a leadership team, the Leadership Culture Survey reveals valuable data: It tells you how your people view their current leadership culture, and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between data on the current culture and the desired outcome instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. Furthermore, the Leadership Culture Survey measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organizations.
With the Leadership Culture Survey you can conduct a thorough and valid assessment of the impact that collective leadership has on your culture. LCS provides you the ability to choose whether you want to assess organizational culture, business unit culture or team culture.
The Leadership Culture Survey
- Establishes a compelling rationale for change.
- Focuses leadership development efforts.
- Delineates cultural challenges associated with acquisitions, mergers, and restructuring plans.
- Correlates leadership to productivity, profits, turnover, and other bottom line metrics.
Overview and Benefits
- Measures the current culture and the desired culture
- Measures 31 dimensions of culture, all positively correlated to driving the best business results
- Taps into an ever-growing norm base, currently with more than 100,000 leaders
- Break-out reports can easily be produced on any sub-group
- User friendly, administered over the internet
- Data display is vivid, precise, and easy to understand
- Completely confidential
- Accessible for the visually disabled

Leadership Culture Survey Case Study
- Culture was low trust, low engagement
- Productive conflict was not possible
- Senior leader unintentionally created environment of fear by being very critical
- This contributed to resentment and dysfunction in the organization
- Attrition was significant issue on the senior team and throughout the company
- Leadership Culture Survey to assess current and desired leadership culture, and measure progress year over year
- Leadership Circle Profile 360 assessments for all senior leaders
- 1:1 coaching for key leaders
- Leadership team workshops designed and delivered based on Leadership Culture results, 1:1 interviews, and discussions with key stakeholders
- We targeted enhancing trust, conflict resolution., difficult conversations, and courageous authenticity
- Also made a key leadership change to the team to support the desired culture
- All leadership culture metrics improved by 23-69% in first twelve months
- Productivity of meetings improved dramatically
- Ability to resolve conflict became a strong suit
- Trust and engagement improved significantly
- Quality and efficiency of decisions improved
- 29% improvement in attrition